
Strategy pages give you everything you need to get started on spending dollars more effectively. Each page details actions you can take to make progress on transforming your organization’s approach to spending.

Clearly Define Evidence

Defining “evidence” ensures that grantees know what criteria programs must meet to be “evidence-based” and allows agencies to score proposals against those criteria.

Prioritize Evidence

Prioritizing evidence ensures that a greater proportion of federal grant dollars are invested in programs likely to improve outcomes.

Define Desired Outcomes

Defining and communicating a grant program’s priority outcomes allows agencies and grantees to strategically fund activities likely to achieve the program’s goals.

Center Community

Agencies can center community in a number of ways through grantmaking, including by engaging with grantees and communities throughout grant design.

Build Evidence Through Evaluations

A well-designed program requires ongoing evaluation to gauge its effectiveness and to use learnings to improve programs and inform future investments.

Implement Performance Management

Performance management improves program outcomes by enabling bi-directional accountability and supporting continuous improvement as the grant program is being implemented.